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Rental Management

Are you looking to rent out your property on a short-term basis?

We are always here to help, from home staging and online advertising to rental management, 24/7 customer support, and a remarkable range of “à la carte” services. Learn more about our turnkey approach that will allow you to generate more income without a hassle!

Why Choose Hotel at Home?

Our client base is primarily made up of investors who already own short-term rental properties and individuals who want to get started in the industry and need advice to find the perfect deal. In either case, these clients do not want to spend time every day to manage their property. They do, however, want to be assured that all means will be taken to make their real estate investment as profitable as possible.

Our services offer the best of both worlds, bringing together all these benefits without requiring you to sign away your freedom with an exclusivity agreement!

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Showcase your property

Present your property in its best light

We offer our owners a free home staging service geared to the specific requirements of short-term rental. Once your space is ready, our seasoned photographers will leverage their skills to present your property in its best light. Good photos give you twice the visibility, which will double your chances of increasing your rental income.

Gain peace of mind

We take care of the full traveller experience

Hotel at Home saves you the hassle of dealing with customer service. As soon as your property is booked, we share important check-in and check-out information with your guests. We also make sure to send them a practical guide on your amenities and the area’s most popular attractions.

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Gain greater visibility

Quick posting to every online platform

Our team creates a detailed, eye-catching listing of your property and posts it on more than 30 rental websites (Airbnb, Homelidays, Homeaway, Canadastays, etc.). What’s more, Hotel at Home offers you great visibility on its various social media pages.

Our Short-Term Rental Services Include:

  • Creating an eye-catching listing of your property and posting it on rental sites;
  • Managing the rental schedule;
  • Adjusting prices dynamically based on seasons, events and market conditions to maximize the performance of your property;
  • Taking care of payments;
  • Managing housekeeping between rentals (whether or not you use Hotel at Home’s housekeeping services);
  • Ensuring a good traveller experience;
  • Responding to emergencies (we are open 24/7);
  • Sending a monthly report detailing your rentals and directly depositing your income into your account;
  • Representing to the authorities concerned in case of damage or accidents during the rental. Note that we can also help you in obtaining your permit from the Corporation de l’industrie touristique du Québec (CITQ).

Discover our Other Services!

Make your property stand out and maximize your rental income! We offer turnkey rental management services to help you generate more revenue without a hassle—no exclusivity agreement required.

Listing your property has never been this easy

Ask us how.

Follow Their Lead!

Take advantage of our specialists’ best rental management services to achieve growth and success, without having to worry about every single task.

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Their experience is an asset!

Hotel at Home offers an excellent management service for our rental cottages. Its dedicated employees are readily available and provide good advice. They are the best allies to make our cottage rentals more profitable since they know the market. In short, it’s more than just a contract—it’s a partnership!
Cindy Ayotte
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Impeccable service!

We deal with Hotel at Home to manage the rental of our two cottages in the Charlevoix region. They provide a turnkey service that lives up to our expectations in terms of quality, professionalism, diligence and peace of mind. We are completely satisfied and strongly recommend them.
Anne-Marie Lambert
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It’s been a wonderful and reassuring journey!

During our most hectic periods, we find it comforting to rely on the team’s personalized coaching and timely service. Whether it be to obtain advice or get our services readjusted, it’s always a pleasure to communicate with Hotel at Home. A big thank you to the team!
Caroline Fillion
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We are completely satisfied!

From the moment we began looking for a touristic residence, the Hotel at Home team gave us great advice about location and profitability analysis. And ever since I acquired my property, their qualified staff has been extremely helpful with home staging, leasehold improvements and putting the property up for rent. Hotel at Home is always by our side to ensure customer service, maintain our property and showcase it on various booking platforms.
François Roy
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Excellent service!

In my experience, Hotel at Home has gone far beyond rental services. The team helped me better understand the short-term rental market in Quebec. We have peace of mind, knowing our customers will be in good hands and receive prompt service.
Jean-Mathieu Touchette Viau
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I’d recommend them without a doubt!

Hotel at Home has made managing my buildings tremendously easier. The team members are very present for me and quick to answer my questions! I love to do business with them. They are so kind and professional!
Martin Gosselin
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Don’t Wait any Longer!

We’re available 24/7 to take care of everything for you.